Jobs - Hardware - Non-Warranty

This page contains screenshots from Disco ICT v1 and will be updated shortly.

Non-Warranty jobs include situations which require costing or payments. Insurance Claims are also covered by this job type.

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Locate either the Device or Device's Assigned User.

Both the device and it's currently assigned user are attached to the Job.

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Click Create Job.

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Select the Job Type:
Hardware - Non-Warranty

Select the Job Sub-Types.

Multiple Job Sub-Types can be selected if required.


Fill out additional job settings in accordance with your organisations procedures:

  • Expected Closed Date (displayed on a public noticeboard)
  • Logs (technician comments and ongoing notes)
  • Technician Held Device (indicates the device has been taken by the technician)
  • Device Held Location (such as 'Bay 1' or 'Cupboard A' etc)


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Add Job Attachments.

Attachments can be uploaded from files or captured with an attached High Definition Webcam.

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Generate Documents

Documents can be generated from any Disco PDF Template which can be easily made by any Disco user.

Disco PDF Templates are similar to a Microsoft Word Mail Merge, but with the power of Microsoft Excel formulas (optional).

6bGenerated Documents can optionally include a unique QR Code. This allows any scanned-in document to be recognised automatically by Disco and added as an attachment to the appropriate job. This process can be easily done in batches or one at a time directly from a photocopier.

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Validate and Update Job Components

Job Components are automatically added based on the Device Model and Job Sub-Types.

These components can be used in the generation of documents, such as the Repair Quote shown here.

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Finance Records

These details are used to keep track of payment requirements and statuses.

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Insurance Claim

Common insurance claim information can be added here, and then used for Document Generation.

Insurance Claim PDF forms can be added into Disco and completed automatically.

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Log Repairs

Organise repairs for the device and enter details into the job.

Job Attachments can be used to store quotes.

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After the repairs are completed, mark the Repair Complete.

The repair technician may be given access to perform this task and review or add job comments or attachments.


Complete any other tasks required (such as reimaging, etc)


Mark the device as Ready for Return.

When the user collects the device the job can be closed.