Disco released to the wild!

DiscoReleased We're very happy to finally announce the release of "Disco" - the information communication and technology management system we've been working on for over twelve months!

Disco is a web-based application designed to manage all the devices in your environment and the processes associated with them. Disco can automate:

  • adding hundreds (or thousands) of new devices to your network (Active Directory),
  • associating them with an owner,
  • securely distribute custom certificates (enterprise wireless for example) and
  • ensuring enforcement of organisation policies (such as computer naming conventions).
  • Disco can manage the jobs that belong to these devices; for example,
    • warranty claims can automatically be submitted to warranty providers (via plugins) and
    • forms automatically generated for insurance claims.

Disco started out as a small project at Geelong High School and Bellarine Secondary College (state-schools in Victoria, Australia) and was designed to assist with the ongoing rollout of a one-to-one (one notebook-to-one student) project. The small team of technicians recognised they would have trouble meeting ever-shortening deadlines. In January 2012 the team were required to have over 1,200 notebook computers configured, personalised and distributed to students within a couple of weeks; the Disco project was born.

The user-base of Disco has grown, and for the last few months Disco has been managing over 7,800 devices in 10 organisations. Before today's release, only those who heard by word-of-mouth knew and were instructed to keep a tight-lip until the infrastructure was in place to handle more organisations coming on-board. The growth of the project and (eventually) this website is a testament to the need of a management system designed to manage device ownership, job management, and the variety of other organisation-specific processes.

The complete source-code for Disco will be released shortly and we're hoping this will inspire others to contribute - we're constantly looking to improve Disco - we have loads of ideas, and hope you'll come up with some too. We also hope that by the release of the source-code this project can give back to many open-source projects Disco uses.

So go ahead - review the features, then register for an account to access the latest version. Check out the video-tutorials (more coming soon), and make sure to stop by the Forum to provide feedback or get support from those in the community.

DiscoWall Bonus trivia: Where did Disco get its name?
The answer to that question is steeped in legend and mystery. According to one account, a technician had decided to "recycle" old CDs by creating a mirror wall and at the same time debate arose concerning the naming of the newly developed system. The temporary code-name "Disco" was decided upon. The name stuck and… the mirror wall is still incomplete.
(BTW, in the latin: "Disco: learn; become acquainted with; acquire knowledge of")

1 comment on “Disco released to the wild!”

  • Gravatar of Marc
    Marc [Posted Thursday, 25 October 2012 at 2:56:11 PM]
    Need to finish the wall. Can we employ a trainee to do this?

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